The majority of those who contact Jeanne work with her to help release traumatic experiences, clear old contracts, understand the blocks which prevent happiness and success in life. Jeanne uses an assortment of powerful tools which each person can use for themselves at home. It is important in Jeanne’s work to leave each client with a deepened sense of self, their life’s purpose and the inspiration to walk through the doors within thereby connecting to their Divine and Loving Self.
One of the biggest parts of Jeanne’s work rests with her ability to move energy, to reshape energy patterns and to help the client eliminate old, destructive parts of his or her personal psychology. Jeanne uses the Ho’oponopono, EFT (tapping) and her own personal vision tipi work to help each person feel the elimination of those old structures of thought or endless karmic drama.
It is difficult to fully describe her work. It is one of those things that must be experienced. She speaks not only from her training but from life’s lessons.
Jeanne also leads seminars and workshops. These offerings will be listed on the Upcoming Events page.