As we begin our healing journey during this Lenten Season, our resolve cannot begin until we are willing to let go of all thoughts, ideas, and conditions which have promoted imbalance and dis-ease in our inner world. Each daily message presented is a reminder of who we are and what we came here to do and to be. It is up to the individual as to how far, how deep and how complete the transformation will be. Together we are on this journey to MAKE LOVE out of FEAR…to transcend limited thought and to eliminate the Book of Victim. At the end of these Lenten sessions we can look forward to a much deeper sense of the Self as a positive and profound awakening moves us out of the old and allows us to bring in new understanding. We set the stage for becoming the Victor…the Light Being…the Lover of Life.
The beginning…#1
There can be no re-birth if death does not precede it. Today I willingly listen to my words and thoughts and cultivate a new language paradigm. I eagerly release and remove all negative thoughts from my thinking and replace them with this affirmation: I have unlimited amounts of kindness and forgiveness for myself. I walk through my day invigorated by the knowledge that I am NOT my negative, dis-pleasing thoughts. I am now building the Power of the Kindness Bridge to help me with this transition in thought.
Ho’oponopono…The use of this Hawaiian Mantra will help to move the old thoughts out and allow the new thinking to emerge.
I love you
Please forgive me
I am sorry
Thank you
Of course, this will all take some practice to help erase the old habits of thoughts/thinking. But once we begin we set the stage for our surrender to the light and the deep desire to erase the negative. At all times we must forgive ourselves when we might fall short of this promise to ourselves. Like anything that is really important to us, it can, at times, be difficult but our desire to be freer and clearer drives our hearts to make it so.
May the Great Spirit, the Scared One, help us to be strong, willing and honest with ourselves as we, together, build our new world of Light.
And so it is!