This is the time of the year where my family and I walk lightly. It all has to do with the loss of our beloved Kylleen. It was an 11 week journey from this world to the next as she passed to the other side the day after Easter. At some point in the grieving process I had to make up my mind how I saw myself living my life without her. I had to give up my death story and begin to create a new life story. So much of what I do is dedicated to her and who she is now on the other side. She is my angel, my confidant and my peer in this spiritual work.
We all have lost someone we have loved. We all have grieved the loss of this special person in our lives. Death is part of life… often the hardest part of life. I bring this subject to the post today because there are many who come to me hoping to know that their loved one is ok after passing. Prayers for those who have passed are very important but so is listening. So often they are right besides us…the only difference is the body being gone. They are hungry to let you know that they have arrived, that they have friends and relatives with them, special beings and angels to help guide their new journey. Their heaven is being free of the earth’s illusions and the confinement of the body. They have gone home and want to share with you what “home” is like. They stand beside you to help with your grief and to remind you that we are all more than our bodies.
As we are getting closer to our completion of this series we owe it to ourselves to look to the rainbow. It represents so much in our culture…resurrection, prosperity, hope and revival of the spirit. So many of our friends and relatives stand in that rainbow of energy hoping that you will join them…not in death, but in life, in memory, in honor, connection from one world to the next. Their spirits offer a peace and a consciousness which says…we are right here…we are eternal…we celebrate with you.
We are not alone…ever…it is the promise of the Divine to realize our destiny is everlasting life from life to life, world to world with our spirit guardians watching and preparing us as we move forward in our daily lives. Today we listen to those who stand beside us, perhaps unseen but truly felt. We connect with the continuation of life somewhere over the rainbow.
I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!