In order to survive the difficulties our lives have contained we develop coping skills. Some skills are positive but most seem to work against us because they are developed through fear. Today we release all negative coping skills designed through fear. Today we decide what stays and what needs to be released. We honor these skills as they were once needed but now we release all negative coping structures with new structures of thought, communication, patience and help from trusted friends and professionals. We honor our new life and living with new structures of thinking and right actions. We face old stories of self-help and set them free. We move forward in expressing the need for MORE…more honesty, more positive structure, more elements in our living which feed and nurture our spirit. We find the Source, the God Center, which helps us to re-design who we are and how we face and meet the challenges of life. We know we are never alone because we have been learning how to listen and hear our Earth Mother’s Divine Song.
I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!