It is done. It is finished. In the practice of numerology the number 45 becomes a nine. This is a completion number…a full circle number. We have completed a powerful time within us. We can relax now and be at peace. We have done great things for ourselves. We are champions, warriors, lovers, healers and wisdom beings. We are light and love, unlimited in consciousness, willing to be and go anywhere our I Am Source directs and guides us. We take this day to honor and celebrate all that we have done, all that we will continue to do and all that we are becoming!
We are at peace knowing how much we are love, loved and loving. We continue to reflect in the amazing power and authority of spiritual awakening. We have lost self-pity, victimization, doubt and un-forgiveness and have replaced these thought structures with Self-direction, Sacred connection, Forgiveness, Grace and Unconditional Love. We continue to serve the Christ, Buddha, Divine Consciousness and Creation which lives within us all. We honor and respect ourselves and others for our choices, growth and wisdom gained by walking with courage through the darkest parts of our being.
This is the day we are making and we Rejoice In It!
Thank you, each and everyone, for taking this Sacred journey with me. It has been a pleasure and an honor. Your comments have inspired me as well and I look forward to a continued life of communication. Remember that all these posts are archived on my website:
In the meantime…remember…You Are So Loved!