# 36 For All That is Holy

Headlines, Horror and Havoc seem to be the majority of what we are “fed” these days by our news agencies.  The strength of character we are building during this holy season can certainly be put to the test. There is a fine line between being informed and educated about conditions and circumstances in the world and being saturated with darkness in order to influence our thinking, eating away at any sense of divine order and right action.

It seems that the more Light that finds its way into our hearts and minds the more the darkness fights for its “right” to dominate this world. It is a good thing…this battle…because it is expressing its ability to bring forth a new world order of Holiness. This is decision time for all of us and no matter how rooted we are in our thinking there is always another level of the Divine waiting to be experienced.

It can be an awesome experience or it can devastate.  It is all up to us.  This Lenten season is all about seeking the renewal of consciousness, the rebirth of love and grace.  It is the time to walk, talk and become the Holy Ones…not holier than though…but truly Holy. Even with imperfections and disagreements within ourselves we can still attach to the energy of the Holy Mind.  We can still transcend, even if for only a few moments a day, into the Sacred Space of the Divine. We can build our reverence for Life.  We can establish our very own strength and wisdom which can then transcend the irrational, the dark, the biting stings of prejudice.

We are balance.  We are beautiful.  We are Love.  We are Holy.

As a child singing in Sunday services, one of my favorite Hymns was: Holy, Holy, Holy. The third verse, although connected to the concept of a personalized being sitting in the heavens…still has a powerful message as we understand it today:

Holy, Holy, Holy, though the darkness hide thee, though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see.  Only thought art Holy, there is none beside thee, perfect in power, in love and purity.

These lyrics speak of the Divine..the source of Love in the Sacred I am . The Sacred I am is Holy.  There is nothing more powerful or pure or Holy.

I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!

#36 Appreciation

Oh…this is a big topic and closely related to gratitude. And I appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts on the subject.

To appreciate we must first recognize that something good, important, interesting or just plain nice is available for us in a way that might not have been seen before in our daily lives. As we take a daily review of our activities appreciation might suddenly take place. We might realize that without  a certain circumstance being present in our lives another really important circumstance might not have shown up.

We learn how to appreciate the activities in our lives.  We learn to appreciate the circumstances in our lives.  We learn to appreciate the people in our lives and most importantly we learn to appreciate ourselves.

How do we appreciate ourselves? Let us count the ways! First of all I appreciate YOU for being interested enough to read these posts! I appreciate the fact that I have a really nice laptop in order to do this posting.  I appreciate that I have some quiet time in the morning in which to gather my thoughts and put them onto my website and FaceBook.  I appreciate that I have any thoughts at all!!

I appreciate the fact that even though it is supposed to be 95 degrees today in SOCAL I have air conditioning in my home and the dollars to pay for it. The list can go on and on…people, my family, the things I have learned etc. But most importantly I appreciate the fact that I didn’t give up on life, on myself, on my children or any other conditions which  might have seemed difficult to balance. Everything taught me something.

Perhaps, as we head toward the Christian Holy Week, it is a good time to make a list, either mentally or on paper, of all that we appreciate in our lives. Little things, big things, in between things.  They all lead us to a form of inner peace when we take the time to count what is good. This helps us to focus on what is right, what we do have, rather than what we feel we are missing, what left us behind or passed us up.

It seems such an easy task but once we begin the list will grow and so will the focus from what is NOT to what IS. It helps us to stay on the positive side when things get rough and it reminds us of how much we have when we feel loss, overwhelmed and indifferent to our lives.

I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!

#35 Letting Go

In my life I have had many opportunities for letting go. There has been divorce, mental illness, loss of a job, loss of a child, suicide attempts, abuse…unfortunately the list has a few more entries. These situations didn’t all happen to me but they were around me and therefor had a great affect on my health, both mentally and physically.  I learned through all of this that not everything in my life was controllable and the more I learned to let go the healthier I could keep myself.  Believe me: It was not easy.

The idea of letting go is not used as a catch phrase for everything difficult.  It is a necessary element in our moving from survivor to thriver. In our needs and wants in life we have a tendency to see things our way, with our perspective and prejudices.  We don’t always see things truthfully, especially when we want to preserve a way of life or an ideal that we have about ourselves or someone else. The resistance to truth often causes great strife and a potential for disaster. We hold onto something or someone because we are truly afraid for ourselves. We set up patterns and continually live by those patterns of thought and desire and experience. When it is time to let go we freeze and perpetuate the old stories trying to stay hooked into what we want or what we have great fear about loosing. So often what we try to hold onto is already gone and out of our reach.

In order for us to truly let go of someone or something, an ideal or a wish which holds nothing for our highest good, we must be honest.  We must give ourselves permission to evaluate the circumstance and any agenda we might be perpetuating which is no longer valid, necessary or healthy. Being truly honest with ourselves is tricky but it is the lighted side of awakening.

My dear friends, let us walk together today as we provide ourselves with the opportunity to self-examine all that is no longer necessary in our living. Let us have the honesty in the moment to place THAT WHICH NO LONGER IS TRUE into the light.  Honoring, as we release, whatever the person or circumstance or idea which has held us back from our inner peace and balance. Let us practice and realize the art of Letting Go.

I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!

#34 Incorporation

Today is my day to allow the incorporation of all that we have been sharing in these posts to come together in harmony, weaving the understanding of these posts so that they may work their way easily, quickly and safely into my consciousness. I am relaxed and set my environment for such an experience of incorporation.

I may decide to set aside a specific time today for this incorporation or I may choose to have this level of incorporation living within all that I do and say today.  I allow myself to become elevated to another level of consciousness as I practice the art of incorporation.

I may decide to take a meditative walk or sit in a quiet area with a candle lit and quiet meditative music playing. I may also review all the past posts on the jeannelove.org website. Or, I might just possibly know that all is written within my subconscious mind and I need only to call it up to experience the positive energy thoughts once again.

However I choose to call this wisdom to me I now give myself permission to make myself a priority. There is no one more important in my life but ME.  I am…and if I am not centered I “miss the mark”…the success of my day. I cannot possibly bring to others what I haven’t first brought to myself.

I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!


#33 It’s All About the Heart

When my daughter and son-in-law got married my gift to them was a song: All About the Heart. I knew I wouldn’t be writing it alone. I don’t feel that I ever write anything alone. There is always some blessing coming from spirit. There is always a spiritual presence which says: “let’s do this thing!”

For me it is just a part of who I am. It is how I live my life; how I operate, what I was born to do.  Both my mom and dad were writers so it follows that  I am too.

What is your skill, talent or gift? What have you come here to do or share with yourself or the world? Everyone has something to contribute to this world whether it is your warm smile, your simple acceptance of others or your inner song. Regardless of your talent or skill you are here to live from the Heart. Your inspiration for your life comes from the Heart and Soul of you. It is all about the Heart.

I will have the song: All About the Heart up on my website.  It’s important to understand that you are inspirational…that you can live from your heart and share the inspiration you feel with others. True, heart-felt inspiration has no fear or longing.  Inspiration comes from deep within the well-spring of creation.

We have been clearing those parts of us during this Lenten season that have been standing in our way and preventing us from reaching our inspirational level of creation.  I think it is time now for the results of all this hard work to take hold as we step onto the path of inspiration.

Today we develop a new level of Inspiration, knowing that we can and must live from the level of the Divine Heart.

I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!


# 32 So Much Love

On this Sunday morning I wish to share with you …all my love…all the love that flows through me this morning. I had a  spectacular dream with someone who is very special to me this early morning and as I looked into his eyes I felt myself understanding that he came to me to open my heart.  It was a cosmic opening, so far beyond our earth love.  It had depth and warmth beyond the confines of our earth understanding…this love enveloped my very essence and brought me back to my original nature.  I remember saying to myself in the dream that I had to remember this. And, of course, I didn’t want to leave him…the energy…the essence and power of this cosmic love.

So often when we don’t feel the love from another, we really don’t feel it for ourselves.  We keep looking outside of ourselves.  We try on different relationships and when they fail to provide what we are looking for we get bitter, angry and we separate further from our own truth: we are already love. This early morning dream said it all to me: I am now ready to be filled. This wonderful being came to me because I am now available and willing to be full of the cosmic flow of everlasting divine love. He was in my dream to remind me of this and open my heart so that I could receive.

My dear friends…are you ready to receive? I pray you are. When you are ready there is new life.  When you are ready the prejudices of life melt away.  When you are ready the pain and suffering disappear.  There is no room for lack and indifference.  There is only room for LOVE…allow it to wash over you like the colors of the rainbow.  Allow this divine love to fill your soul, overriding any difficulties that might remain and block you from the essence of this divine love.

There is a cosmic opening of the Divine Heart today. Let us step into this Circle of Divine Love together.  It is for everyone.  It is for the world.

I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!


# 31 A Moment of Silence

We are now officially into the season of Spring and can access, discover and promote the energy of this creative season. Spring is the metaphor for new life and awakening.  It is a time of things silent and unseen coming back into view, new and better than before. It is a time for personal access to the energy of creative flow. It is time to connect with the Divine in all life.

Today we are making a promise to spend a moment or two in silence. We are allowing ourselves to activate the creative source within us. We sit with appreciation and knowing that there is so much in our lives yet to be experienced. The way to our fulfillment is through the stillness of being.

Mother Earth connects to us when we seek her.  She calls us forward and asks nothing in return. She is our Mother: divine, supporting, unconditional…and she is always here for us. Today we can do two things…connect to our Divine Mother and as we connect to her we connect to our inner sacred energy: that of God within.

At times the world is tough, demanding, dark and difficult.  However, there is another much more beautiful world available for us.  This is the day to be in silence and know how much our Mother is a part of us.  Today is the day to reconnect to this original world. The illusion of difficulty is overcome with goodness and order, love and respect. As we take a moment to remember, connect, and promote with our vision of the Divine Mother, the TRUE world begins to surface. That of Love, Forgiveness, Right Action, Peace, Respect and Honor begin to surface in this world because we allow it to surface within ourselves. We become the Flower of God.  It is up to us as to how we bloom.

I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!

#30 The Energy of the Spring Equinox

Spring is definitely springing around this house hold.  It is my granddaughter’s birthday and she sprang out of bed an hour early knowing that this is her special day.  Her brother was up before she was, wanting to wake her up in order to help her celebrate her big day. I am privileged to be a part of this loving order of family.

The big picture here is the energy which comes with the change from winter to spring. Even the younger ones realize this.  Yes, for our family it is a special occasion. However, Elijah, my 6 year old grandson, has taken to enjoying the roses and other flowers we have growing in the front of our home. He feels the magic of the flower energy and is very drawn in by their vibrant colors and fragrances. He understands the importance of nature…we have a crystal fairy garden out in the back yard.

Living in California one might think that it is always spring here.  However, we have a terrible, record breaking drought going on so the flowers that manage to survive much less water are of particular beauty for us. Whether we live in the drought areas of California or in the bitter cold of the mid-west and east, there is a particular energy which shifts regardless of our location. Today is our day to acknowledge this shift and enjoy the new energy…the renewal of life, the power of new growth, the joy of warmer temperatures and the flowering of all that has been asleep during the winter months.

How awake can we be today?  How aware can we be with our environment? Can we say a prayer with Mother Earth?  Can we hold her in our arms as she struggles, at times, to support us? Can we find a peaceful place to sit for a moment and reclaim what we might have lost or forgotten…those brilliant energies of youth which used to be our livelihood? Can we allow ourselves to remember when we would roll in the grass, play outside well after the sun went down, as we discovered the magic of hidden corners and big trees for cover in a game of hide-and-seek?

Today we are in renewal, thanking the Earth Mother for her courage to be our home. Being in the grace of love and appreciation for all the new life we are growing within ourselves during this Lenten series.

I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!


#29 How Are We Doing?

There are some days when it is difficult to find our equilibrium! As a former Teaching Principal at a local Quaker school I was fortunate to be able to teach the children how to “center down” every morning. It began our day. Even the kindergarteners learned how to sit quietly and still their personal activity for a few minutes. As the year progressed even my little 5 and 6 years olds knew the language and the value of centering down. Of course this process was a form of meditation.  We used visualizations to help guide the quiet time, played peaceful music and most importantly allowed them a daily opportunity to learn how to practice being still and listening to that of “God within”. If for some reason we had an activity which kept us from this beginning ritual, we all felt it. When we had a break we would stop then and there and take a few moments.  The students always noticed the difference from within themselves and in the group dynamic.

Those years were powerful ones…for so many reasons. The biggest gifts came from these innocents who understood through prayer and quiet time how they were benefiting themselves for success and happiness.

So, how are we doing? Are we peaceful today? Do we need a moment to center down, taking deep breaths to remind ourselves how powerful we are in our daily living? Each one of us, in our own way, can create a routine/ritual for beginning our day. It really doesn’t matter how you do it:  music…a brisk walk…yoga…quiet moments just to clear the energy. It only matters that you do it.  It doesn’t need to be a long process…ten or fifteen minutes.  It is a moment of remembering who we are and calling forth the higher, lighted energy of the Sacred Self to step into our daily life…helping us to work through the day with ease and grace.

We do not do this earth thing alone.  We have access to wonderful, guided understanding but first we must honor it by acknowledging the process and committing to spending a few moments with the higher, balanced parts of ourselves.  We set our intention for a guided day, we accept its possibilities and we go forth knowing that we have prepared ourselves for the wisdom and grace it provides.  This quiet time reminds us about who we really are and allows us constant access to ALL of the I AM of our unlimited creation.

I am willing…I am connected…I am in the constant flow of the Divine.

#28 Friends

It is always amazing to me how I found my “pod”…a loving group of people who love me unconditionally and support me through my life, good or bad, with all of its ups and downs. I watch Facebook posts from others about how their friends have disappointed them or somehow not understood them when they needed their support and compassion the most.

Today is a new start in friendship…a new day to evaluate how we see ourselves interacting with our group.  Do we constantly try to get something from our friends? Do we have more expectations for our friends then we do for ourselves? Do we expect our friends to make up for what we feel we don’t have in our personal lives? Are we needy about attention and self-worth?

Friendship is a gift, a delightful experience between two people…shared moments of life’s events. Ask yourself what you are giving to your friend, without expectation.  Are you a good listener? Do you support your friends when they feel out of touch in life? Do you honor and respect them even if you disagree?

The best way to have a great friend is to be one. If the relationship seems out of balance then perhaps it is time to release the expectations and move on. True friendship can last a life time. Freedom comes in the knowing that our friends are there for us…regardless of the miles, the amount of phone calls or visits. A true friends love us unconditionally.  The question remains…do we love ourselves unconditionally? As we love and support ourselves then we attract the same response from others. It is never fair to ask another to fill us up when we do not do that for ourselves.  As in any relationship…we give because it feels good…not to receive.  In the freedom of giving, our friendship creates a loving flow between us.  There is trust and balance, laughter and support…without agenda or ego.

As we give love without expectation there is a tremendous bond of trust. This is true friendship.  To all my amazing friends out there…You are so beautiful, so loved!  You are the best and you make my world sparkle!

I love you…Please forgive me…I am sorry…Thank you!